To invite team members to ElkQR, follow these steps:
1. Log in to your ElkQR account.
2. In the menu, select the “Team” option.

3. Look for the “Invite Team Member” option and click on it.

4. Enter the email address of the team member you wish to invite.

5. Choose the desired permissions for the team member. These permissions determine what actions they can perform within ElkQR, such as creating, editing, and deleting folders, domains, UTM, workspaces, and pixels, as well as folder access permissions, bulk generation, and resetting scan permissions.
Important: During the invitation process, please make sure to check the box for “Allow team members to view other members’ projects” to enable collaboration and resource sharing. If this option is not enabled, the team member will function more like a sub-account, having a separate dashboard and no access to shared resources.
Additionally, please note that you have the flexibility to edit this option later on. If you initially invite a team member without enabling the “Allow team members to view other members’ projects” option, you can always modify their settings in the future to grant them access to shared resources and enable collaboration.
6. Click the “Invite member” button to send the invitation.
Once you’ve sent the invitation, the team member will receive an email with an invite link. They need to click on the link to accept the invitation and sign up for an ElkQR account. After completing the sign-up process, they will be able to access ElkQR and collaborate with you and other team members.
Make sure to communicate with the team member about their role and any specific instructions or guidelines related to their tasks within ElkQR. This will help ensure a smooth onboarding process and effective collaboration.
If you have any further questions or need assistance during the team member invitation process, please let us know.